Sunday, December 05, 2004

after last night ordeal,felt rather werid.slept quite late at 1am last night,so woke up at a disastrous time of 10.30.heard my mum waking me up outside the door at 9.45(i slept with my room door closed)but my alarm clock says 9.15.thought about going straight to church, but too lazy to do so.slept some more and use some computer.

2.30pm.went to church,quite sarcastical in the sense to tongue anyone who asked mi why i didn't came for fellowship.I went for choir practice and had quite a peaceful 1 hour as i just played for them and they didn't asked me anything.

3.30pm.I made my way to the main hall and found the wen zhi bu committee having a meeting.I joined in and was incharge of the logo for our fellowship's newsletter.went to the santuary hall for rehearsal for the later 4pm worship.

4.20pm.joined minhai,jamin,grace and june at the music room.we then practice a last minute song for the coming week praise.Grace left earlier and we went over to jamin house for the chinese version of the song.Minhai quicky grew in accustomed to Jamin's house. positioning himself comfortably on Jamin's bed and hugging one of his many pillows.half lying and making a sort of grunting that never failed to make me think that he is asleep.

the song was printed out and we all tried to blend in to the many possible tunes but somehow we always seems to clash with either each other or the piano.minhai and jamin rewrite the score so as to blend everyone's voice together nicely.they said a great deal stuff that i didn't understand.after the score was written,the rest was easy.we just sang our written part and everything sounded nice.We joked around and left jamin's house at around 7.30.Jamin accompany us to the busstop where we got more lame.Jamin insist that he see me home and he did, making small talks with him and we goes.sort of find in hard to do that with Jamin everytime.He is really a emotionally versatile guy.Sometimes gloomy and sometimes happie, dotty.Must really hand it to him.Even more versatile than me in moods.

today was really a strange day for me.woke up feeling dread.end of the day feeling loved and jumbly.Which leads me to the wish i had for this year's camp:every year's camp i managed to reach a new level of friendship with my friends and along the way finding a few more potential ones.Lets hope that i could acheive that this year.=)really looking forward to this year's camp.

11:06:00 PM

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