Friday, December 03, 2004
Scaly wings folded, they peeked out into the azure sky voided of clouds. The creatures, of silver eyes, spit of fire and razor sharp talons perched amidst the solaris timepieces that resides on the central platform of the school of invokecation. The solarium has always roosted the hundreds of Onyxes for centuries. The Onyx, also mythically known as the the lifeclaimer is commonly found in huge numbers on the continent of Tamoiar and especially preferred to nest close to magic sources, as such in the case of the solarium of Noctirce town. The Onyxes soaked up the magic which regenerates their mana for their daily hunts. In return, the presence of a considerable amount of mana would conversely aid the flux and movement of magic.
10 Enzer. The exact time of dawn, the moment that the raising have to be performed. THe raising is the combining of the Enzer's sun rays and magic to form a mystic hub where the whole academy could draw unlimited mana from the sun.
The raising could only br done by the moving of the heavy solaris timepieces in the oppsite direction of the magical flux and invoking a continuous movement in it. The solaris timepieces comprise of highly refined crystalites, gems and stellimium, a very durable and veratile in magic metal. There are five solaris timepieces, for each represents one of the five schools in the academy. Each of the timepieces has its own activation powers and when combined together could unleash a massive destruction force. This force was so much feared to an extent that the Panionsix council only allowed invokers, who are mages that possess high mental and magical powers to perform the raising.
As the sun sets each day, the rotation of the timepieces gradually stops, drained of its unlimited source of energy from the sun and magic by the roosting Onyxes. It is by this reason that the raising have to be performed everyday at dawn to replenish its magical flux.
Invokecation, is an art of magic where the mind is trained to greater strength. When the art of invokecation is first introduced, it is intended for the training of invokers to perform the raising. However, as the years pass by, the mental strenth of the mind is focused on instead.