Entered the registration classroom, feel lost, so many ppl i noe, very crowded, confusing. Filled the last of the immigration form, then set off for malacca.We reached this place called yongpeng's something garden, dunno lar. So we walked around lor, me, xiucheng and Elon.Edmund's bus came later and Jamin brought this SUPER sweet canned iced tea, really sweet.
Elon sat next to me on the bus, was commenting abt almost everything, A positive sign, it seems to me. Reached the hotel, was moddy, so sat with Elon for lunch.
Edmund,corrine,sharon,xiucheng,jamin,yusi and the rest(shall refer them as my gang in the future)were crapping and such,dun feel like sitting next to them.Chenvglin sat at the same table as us, so did kai rong.To prove each other wrong, we sat at our seats and let the 'old hags' get their food first. (Elon pointed out to me on the bus that the husbands didn't come on the trip and only those old women come since our bus consists of mostly old women) Chenglin was saying things to me and Elon like; dun resist already lah, i noe u two very hungry already. U noe, like acting cool and heroic and such. So we crapped back lah. Later we realised that there wld be no fewer ppl at thhe buffet table as ppl kept coming for second helpings. So we went and take the food lor. Chenglin was saying, haha, u lose cos u are infront of me, u cant wait to get the food, you're hungry, such lameness lah. But it's a good time, at least he doesn't look so stress now.
After lunch, there was a mixed up abt the rooms so the commitee had to arrange the rooms again. Went up to our rooms, hav a good time visiting each other's room, bouncing on each other's bed. jamin sitting n crapping.
3.15pm, went down for ice breaking. Jamin was laming the whole time abt where is the ice? Forgot wat games we played during the ice breaking, so nothing to write here.
Dinner, went down with 15mins to spare with Edmund, Xiucheng n Jamin. Chomp our food and went up. The process was fast to my surprise. No one was eating at the restuarant already.
The gospel, then Shuping laoshi held the discussion. That night after the grp leader's meeting,our family went to grace heah's room to watch tv on tv1, malay channel. So fun, cant understand a word of cantonese the drama says, was feeling irritated at tat time. Didn't talk much, others asking questions like "are u ok" n such. Feeling self pity too. Dunno why.
Sleep over at Edmund's room at night, Jamin came over. We managed to "sour" Jamin serveral times n make him get up, then tickle him, he hates tat, pain or sthg. HILARIOUS!!