Tuesday, January 25, 2005
yea....back from the non-post period..so yea...back to post amd updating again. actually got nothing to post.....jus that i'm really busy working....oh no...not sian of course...i really enjoy the work i have now...things are started to liven up.i shall give one account of wad happened. have to post fer u guys sake.....so therefore shall charge a fee of $5 for your reading pleasure and my painful writing....( face of agony)
there was this customer that walked in and well wel.....he was really rich lah...go and order 6 kg of bacon...(bacon was $5 per 100g....really expensive). so we told him to come back in around 45 mins time. then of course we have to roast until siao lah....then becourse this bacon thingy was very oily.....oily but good to eat...that's y it's so expensive....okok...so it's oily rite? so whenever we roast it the oil and the netting tends to burn...yea i really do mean burn. so wad we usually do is to blow out the flame lah....but if i gets too big we have to use the tongs to carry the netting up to fan it. so yea....lets enter it proper....we usually use only one barbecue pit...(there are 2) so now we opened up another pit and started to roast....there was me, my superviser and another bbq assistant....quite despo rite.....yah.....3 ppl crowded at 2 bbq pit....the room so small too...yeah and now there was this really big flame and without thinking i jus blow it and it....erm well....jus extinguish....i was surprised....so was everyone else....then they r saying....watever,...i got a lot of stm and stuff like that......then another big flame came up and i blew it out in one puff too.....ok.....then now everyone was saying....wow....u steady arrr.....
no lah....dun mean to brag that i got a lot of stm and all that but well....they praise me and it felt good...in case u guys didn't now y this incident was important to the reason y i am starting to like it there....let me explain. well....the people working there are that kind of serious serious type of ppl....if i say sth that usually u guys when u heard it would start crapping, they would jus give some standard ans....and well..that's that's....so not my type of ppl lah....but after this incident they started being more friendly to me lar....
2nd incident....okok....so i did say i'll only mention one incident but since i'm in such a good mood after crapping about the incident and that i'm such a friendly person, i shall include a bonus paragragh.....it is worth another $5 and including the previous $5 , it will be $10. be it will be automatically deducted from your edusave....
okok....crapping crapping.....ignore me....now 2nd incident.....
there was this family of 5....father , mother and 3 children....they brought 3kg of this sliced chicken(seldom got ppl buying this lar....mostly they buy sliced pork) ok so they brought other stuff other than the sliced chicken....then the father told us he was a safra member but he forgot to bring out his membership card and wan us to deduct 10% off the total....but how can...how we noe if he is lying or not and plus he did not brought a lot of stuff too....the total not exceeding $100...
then guess wad? he told us that....ok never mind, i dun wan to buy already.....then he jus walked out of the shop like that.....worse still....leaving his wife and 3 children behind.....erm.....ok....really useless man rite? the wife some more asked us nicely to do watever we can to discount.....
so after they left, our superviser was tsking abt the man attitude ...then she say....aiyo...the men nowadays are getting more and more useless...
heh...of course i retort lah...saying....oei...dun need to say it in front of me rite? ( that day only me the only guy in the shop) the other guy was at the back barbecuing. then they started to crap lah....sort of nice feeling too....
okok.....stop reading...it's the end......get it???????? 1, 2,3 .....read enough? u can now press the 'X' button on the top right hand corner and get out of this webpage or u can type sth else in the address box and go there....oei....STOPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stop reading...........get your nose out of this page......oh well....u aren't gonna stop reading yea......ok fine.....i'll stop rite here......
U STILL READING????????????????? hey quit it.....i'm not gonna be around here all day to wait for u to stop reading u noe? ALRIGHT!!! i'm ending here...so there.
yea yea.....yer STILL here.....y can't u stop??? u got more important stuff to do than to hang here all day i'm sure.....shoo SHOO SHOO!!!! get away....i have more important things to do too....if yer not going....i am...
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
1. winds of oricon:School of warpation
2.education pull back
3.musically excellence
4.physically fitter(JH)
shan't elaborate....why should i?
nah....tired of the entry number wad wad wad so i shan't put anymore.
hey....starting of this year, 2005....well, been thinking as i've got sooo much time to myself...a bit tired of my character....sometimes i made myself feels sick and once i've cried about it....so i've decided...since plenty of people IS changing around me, i might as well...not mentioning any names...
plenty of ups and downs for this year...downs mostly...couldn't really say that it was a pretty bad year though as there were a few bonus...new friends,new beginings....
forgotten friends,lost friends,and others who r really begining to gore at your nerves...
this year i've managed to discover some traits of the new me that i wanna become, quite briefly i've acted it out...not desirable results though...will continue to work on it to perfection.
most ironically, the downs throughout the year has mostly been my closest friends...others due to education or stress from parents...
some of the events of this year are my proudest in my whole 16 years...joy as well as unhappiness again.
2005...another new phrase for me.....for some of my friends too...
lets say i'm struggling to cope with it even like now.