Wednesday, January 17, 2007

If you look at it in a way, the world and the society around us expects greatly from us, our grades, the way we bring ourselves, the way we appeal to others, our looks, our talents and ability. The "better" you are determine how much you are "liked" by others isn't it? Admit it or not we all want this kind of attention and repect to a certain extent. like confindence, who doesn't want to be able to stand in the middle of a room filled with people and still causally be able to joke around? Confidence is a factor hard to build up, most people have some attributes that they have that they are happy abt, like looks....or maybe quick wits to come up with witty responses. With these attributes, the way they bring about themselves will greatly be increased.

But hey...the reason why some of us want that kind of confidence is that we want to bring yourself out like other people right?

Why? why be like them? Isn't it true that the talents people have is given by God? :D the same as he gave other attributes to you that didn't gave others? you are caring, and you tried to understand others. You asked what makes a leader? From the way i see's more care and understanding than accomplishing your objective. And from the way i see it, although you may not have the confidence to voice out what need to be changed, done during the meeting...and you privately discusss with others about it. In my view, that is more important than someone who has enough confidence to do so during the meeting, but chose to dismiss the idea or to just blindly agreed with everything that was passed or said.

It's hard to ignored what people says about you, but remember that people....all of us are hypocrites, we talked, we backstabbed, we all have our own views, we have different principles and we liked and disliked different things. It's quite wrong to say that any one person served God too much.... in fact there is no such thing as serving too much. There's nothing wrong with being indecisive, there nothing wrong about asking for opinions, who says that people who tend to ask for 2nd opinion is not a good leader?

Don't change the way you do things for the sake of people, cos people affects people, just like the world affects us. It's hard to see what's right or not, what you should or should not do. The world always made fine lines between issues that they stand for.

Let God guide ya :D

Fear God, fear the world, fear yourself.

10:59:00 PM

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